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Dr. Phillip Gopon


I joined the staff at the University of Leoben at the end of 2020. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford and a non-stipendiary lecturer at St. Anne's College (constituent college of U. Oxford). 


While at Oxford I primarily looked at space weathering products on the Moon (with Prof. Jon Wade), but also worked on gold deposits (with Prof. Laurence Robb) as well as UHT-P rocks (with Prof. Dave Waters).


Since 2017 I have also worked closely with the U. Oxford Dept. of Materials, and retain visiting scholar status in there in the Research group in Atom Probe TOmography and Reconstruction (RAPToR).  


When not looking at rocks for work, you'll usually find me and the family in the mountains, also generally looking at rocks.  



2016- PhD Geosciences- focus Petrology

             University of Wisconsin-Madison

              Advisors: John Valley, John Fournelle

2012- MSc Geology- focus Economic Geology

             University of Wisconsin-Madison

              Advisor: Phil Brown

2007- BSc Geology- focus Hard Rock Geology

            The College of William and Mary in Virginia

             UG Thesis Advisor: Brent Owens

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