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Bertandsson-Erlandsson, V., Gopon, P., Waldl, H., Misch, D., Melcher, F., 2023, Sphalerite as a non-traditional critical metal source: correlative microscopy (LA-ICP-MS, EPMA, EBSD, APT) of Co hyperenirched enriched sphalerite, Frontiers in Earth Science: Special Issue on Critical Metals, v. 11
Šoster, A., Bertandsson-Erlandsson, V. Velojić, M., Gopon, P., 2023, Ultraviolet-photoluminescence and trace element analyses in Ga-Rich sphalerite from Djebel Gustar Zn-Pb deposit, Ore Geology Reviews, v. 157
Tadesse, A.Z., Fontijn, K., Caricchi, L., Bégue, F., Gubrandsson, S., Smith, V.C., Gopon., P., Debaille, V., Laha, P., Terryn, H., Yirgu, G., Ayalew, D., 2023, Pre-eruptive storage conditions and magmatic evolution of the Bora-Baricha-Tullu Moye volcanic system, Main Ethiopian Rift, Lithos, v. 442
Lamont, T., Roberts, N., Searle, M., Gardiner, N., Gopon, P., Hsieh, Y., Holdship, P., White, R., 2023, Contemporaneous crust-derived 'I- and S-type' granite magmatism and normal faulting on Tinos, Delos and Naxos, Greece: constraints on Aegean orogenic collapse, GSA Bulletin, in press
Brando-Soares, M., André-Alves, F.E., Corrêa-Neto, A.V., Bertolino, L.C., Caixeta de Pamplona Araújo, I. M., Gopon, P., Sathler-Mozart, M., 2022, Gold refinement by the fractionation of Bi‑enriched partial melts at the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil: implications on the formation of hypozonal deposits, Mineralium Deposita, v. 57, 781-800
Tadesse, A.Z., Fontijn, K., Melaku, A.A., Gerbu, E.F., Smith, V.C., Tomlinson, E., Barford, D., Gopon., P., Bégue, F., Caricchi, L., Laha, P., Terryn, H., Gubrandsson, S., Yirgu, G., Ayalew, D., 2022, Eruption frequency and magnitude in a geothermally active continental rift: The Bora-Baricha-Tulla Moye volcanic complex, Main Ethiopian Rift, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (in press)
Gopon, P., Douglas, J.O., Meisenkothen, F., Singh, J., London, A.J., Moody, M.P., 2022, Atom probe tomography of the 34S/32S system in sulfides. Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 28, pp. 1127-1140
Gopon, P., Forshaw, J., Wade, J., Waters, D., Gopon, C., 2021, Seeing through metamorphic overprints in Archean granulites: combined high resolution thermometry and phase equilibrium modeling of the Lewisian Complex, Scotland, American Mineralogist (in press)
Ambrose, T.K., Searle, M.P., Waters, D.J., Gopon, P., Forshaw, J., 2021, Burial, accretion, and exhumation of the Oman-UAE metamorphic sole, Tectonics, vol. 40 p. 1-26
Gardner, H. M., Gopon, P., Radecka, A., Fox, K., Rugg, D., Wade, J., Armstrong, D. E. J., Moody, M. P., Bagot, P. A. J., 2021, Quantification of the effect of Oxygen on mechanical properties of TIMETAL 834, Journal of Materials Research, vol. 36, p. 2235-2250
Magazzeni, C.M., Gardner, H.M., Howe, I., Gopon, P., Waite, J.C, Rugg, D., Armstrong, D.E.J., Wilkinson, A.J., Nanoindentation in multi-modal map combinations: A correlative approach to local mechanical property assessment, Journal of Material Research, vol. 36, p. 2235-2250
Lamont, T.N., Gopon, P., Searle, M.P., Roberts, N.W., Palin, R.M., Waters, D.J., 2020, The Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Tinos, Greece: Cold subduction and extrusion of the Cycladic continental margin under the Tsiknias Ophiolite, Tectonics, vol. 39 p. 1-45
Johnson, B., Tostevin, R., Gopon, P., Wells, J., Robinson, S., Tosca, N., 2020, Phosphorus burial in SiO2-rich Mesoproterozoic oceans, Geology, v. 48. p. 92-96
Lamont, T.N., Searle, M.P., Roberts, N.M.W., Gopon, P., Waters, D.J., 2020, The age, origin, and emplacement of the Tsiknas Ophiolite, Tinos, Greece, Tectonics, v. 49, p. 1-45
Lamont, T.N., Searle, M.P., Roberts, N.W., Waters, D.J., Palin, R.N., Smye, A.J., Dyck, B., Gopon, P., Weller, O.M., St Onge, M., 2020, A compressional origin of the Naxos Metamorphic Core Complex, Greece; Structure, Petrography, and Thermobarometry, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 132, p. 149-197
Gopon, P., Auger, M.A., Douglas, J., Moody, M.P., Robb, L.J., Cline, J., Wade, J., 2019, A nanoscale investigation of Carlin-type gold deposits: an atom-scale elemental and isotopic perspective, Economic Geology, v. 114, p. 1123-1133
Forshaw, J.B., Waters, D.J., Pattison, D.R.M., Palin, R.M., Gopon, P., 2018, A comparison of observed and thermodynamically predicated phase equilibria and mineral compositions in mafic granulites, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 37, p. 153-179
Medaris, L.G., Driese, S.G., Stinchcomb, G.E., Fournelle, J.H., Lee, S., Xu, H., DiPetro, L., Gopon, P., Stewart, E.K., 2018, Mass fluxes of chemical weathering in North American sub-Cambrian paleosols: Implications for climatic conditions during formation of the Great Unconformity, Journal of Geology, v. 126, p. 261-283
Gopon, P., Spicuzza, M.J., Kelly, T.F., Reinhard, D., Prose, T.J., Fournelle, 2017, Ultra-reduced phases in Apollo 16 regolith: Combined field emission electron probe microanalysis and atom probe tomography of submicron Fe-Si grains in Apollo 16 sample 61500, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 52, no. 9, pp. 1941-1962
Gopon, P., Sobol, P., Fournelle, J.H., 2015, Non-sequential spectral acquisitions and data reconstruction to remove time dependent effects from X-ray spectra, Applied Spectroscopy, v. 69, no. 12, p. 1403-1411
Xing, G.-F., Wang, X.-L., Wan, Y., Chen, Z.-H., Jiang, Y., Kitajima, K., Ushikubo, T., Gopon, P., 2014, Diversity in early crustal evolution: 4100 Ma zircons in the Cathaysia Block of southern China, Scientific reports, v. 4, p. 1-8
Tang, M., Wang, X.-L., Shu, Z.J.., Wang, D., Yand, T., Gopon, P., 2014, Hafnium isotopic heterogeneity in zircons from granitic rocks: Geochemical evaluation and modeling of “zircon effect” in crustal anataxis, Earth Planetary Science Letters, v. 389
Gopon, P., Fournelle, J.H., Sobol, P. E. & Llovet, X., 2013. Low-Voltage Electron-Probe Microanalysis of Fe–Si Compounds Using Soft X-Rays. Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 19, p. 1698–1708.
Gopon, P., Fournelle, J., Valley, J.W., Horn, W., Pinard, P., Sobol, P. Spicuzza, M., Llovet, X., 2013, Soft X-ray EPMA analyses of nanophase lunar Fe-Si compounds. Special Publication of the Wisconsin Space Consortium pp. 10
Lauha, E.A., Postethwaite, C.E., Reid, R.F., Vance, R.B., Blackmon, J.E., Gopon, P., 2010, Geology of the Sandman epithermal gold proscpects, Humbodt Country, Nevada, Great Basin Evolution and Metallogeny, Steininger, R., Pennel, B. (editors), p. 813-824
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